Brightspace Support
Chicago State University will replace Moodle and will now use Brightspace as its Learning Management System starting Summer Intersession 2025 and beyond. Brightspace allows students to download reading materials and assignments, watch class videos, post to discussion boards, take quizzes, and much more--all online.
For questions regarding Moodle, please contact
At CSU, Brightspace is managed by the Office of Online Instruction and Instructional Technology. The department ensures that it runs smoothly, and assists users - both students and faculty - with troubleshooting. If you require further assistance with Brightspace, please refer to the Faculty Support or Student Support pages, or contact the office directly to make an appointment. If you require further assistance with Brightspace, contact the Office at Our offices are located in the Library, Third Floor or email to plan a meeting for assistance
Before Using Brightspace
If you are unfamiliar using the internet, email, uploading and downloading, or managing computer files, you may not be ready for online learning. A simple computer basics course, however, can help you learn these skills in a relatively short amount of time. One easy way to check if you're ready is to take the SmarterMeasures Learning Assessment. SmarterMeasures will help you determine your readiness for taking online courses based on your study skills and preferred learning styles.
Get Connected
Below are the minimum technology requirements to access Moodle.
List of Recommended Browsers - D2L recommends that all users access the Brightspace Learning Environment with the latest version of a supported browser. By default, most browsers automatically update to the latest version. To ensure you are running the latest browser version, D2L recommends that you set your browser to auto-update.
Optional Accessories (May be required for some courses)
The pulse app only works with some core features of Brightspace. The pulse app may not work on all Brightspace features. Third-party tools may not work as well. Mobile Devices are not suitable for all courses, or some coursework. Users may need to complete some tasks on other non-mobile devices meeting the system requirements.